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Сообщение от DanielCeark - 02-09-2025, 11:33 PM
A nobleman is a representative of the noble class. Nobles had exclusive benefits and position that distinguished them from other layers of the population. They were associated with noble clans and had the right to land ownership possession, participation in management of the state and military service. The nobility was also associated with a certain way of life, art and enlightenment.
Сообщение от DanielCeark - 02-09-2025, 11:32 PM
A nobleman is a member of the noble estate. Nobles had exclusive benefits and position that distinguished them from other groups of the population. They were associated with noble clans and had the right to land ownership possession, participation in government of the state and army service. The nobility was also connected with a certain way of life, culture and enlightenment.
Сообщение от DanielCeark - 11-09-2024, 04:39 AM
Is the merely effective walk to evolution really a monarchy? - Get answer right now!
Сообщение от DanielCeark - 09-22-2024, 02:36 PM
New slant or a well-forgotten old one - find out right now!